Resolutions and Predictions

January 5, 2013

Times Square New Years Eve Ball

Times Square New Years Eve Ball (Photo credit: ★ SimonPix)

Right off the bat, I’ll tell you that I don’t make resolutions or predictions.  Having arrived at seventy-two a couple of months ago, most of my resoluting over 2013 will go into sticking around to see what happens on the way to seventy-three and my predictive powers have never been very good, anyway.

So, now that Congress’s swan dive off the fiscal cliff turned out to be just another bungee jump, with more of the same to come, this year I will carry on carrying on pretty much as I’ve been doing all along.

I still have the list of things to do inside and outside of the house – adding new chores as I cross off old ones that are completed.  I figure I’ll be finished by the time I’m eighty, then I’ll just start at the top of the list and do it all again.

The tomato and pepper starts (two of each) for my indoor garden will be big enough to transplant into their permanent pots in another week or so and I remain, as always, hopeful that this year they will actually survive long enough to bear fruit.

The pot of lettuce in front of my sunny south window is growing (slowly) in spite of the many cloudy days we’ve had lately and tomorrow or the next day, I will start the first batch of sprouts on the kitchen cabinet, to nibble on this winter.

The upstairs apartment needs painting.  I’m hoping to get to that over the winter, one room at a time.

And, of course, there are always the little boredom breakers – plotting next spring’s gardens, mending torn clothing, remaking something I can’t use anymore into something I can use.  (I’m actually quite good at mending and sewing by hand, having been born at a time when mothers – most of whom had just been through the Great Depression – still taught their daughters that skill.)

Over the next year, I’ll continue my never-ending battle to power down, declutter, patch, paint and generally make-do in my life (as all good doomers should) and enjoy the challenges that arise along the way. After all, if most of us are going to wind up there sooner or later, I already have a good start on sooner.  It just seems immanently more practical than waiting for later to arrive when we least expect it.

So, although I don’t have anything against them, per se, I don’t do resolutions or predictions.  I do find that, living on a budget, a list of more costly repairs and upkeeps is a good thing.  It allows me to work them in as I can afford them and the small things get tucked in around the big stuff as they come up.  Moreover, I find the big predictions useless for the average person, even the ones that might be accurate.  What are you and I going to do differently if Israel should attack Iran, the economy goes blooey again, or oil prices go up another notch as our one hundred years of oil and gas peter out sooner than expected?  Mostly, if any of those predictions actually happen this year, we’ll get poorer.  Either we’ll be well practiced at that already, or we’ll learn very quickly how to do it.  Most of us don’t have the luxury of other options, whether we know it or not.

And that’s my start-of-the-new-year blog post.  No resolutions.  No predictions.  Just a wish that whatever befalls us in the coming year, we’ll be as happy, healthy and well prepared to deal with it as possible.  Here’s to 2013, everyone.

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5 Responses to Resolutions and Predictions

  1. graveday says:

    A belated happy birthday. I checked and the number 2013 is not a mathematical prime, of well. I know a Polish guy whose grandmother won’t let him get married this year. He had to postpone the celebrations in Poland to 2014. But he and his Yankee wife did fly from their current home in Denmark to get married by a justice of the peace in New York on 12/12/12, thus obeying his grandmother in principle. They are still planning a big celebration in Poland to be held in a some famous salt mine.
    My son knows them and mentioned, as we discussed this curious situation, that, ‘You know, Dad, all dates are special if you think about it.’ He is all of twenty-two, but thoughtful.
    So again, happy birthday on your special day, and happy 2013, a special year, heh.
    I don’t make resolutions either, but I can predict there are some high points and some low points coming. How’s that?

    • theozarker says:

      Hey grave, hope you had a lovely holiday season and happy 2013 to you, too. And thanks for the belated birthday wish. Except for the head cold, 72 looks to be about as “unhappening” as 71 was. 😀 Glad your Polish friend and wife finally got their marriage going. Superstitions are interesting things. I have a whole book of old Ozark superstitions. They’re sort of like pre-scientific hypotheses, aren’t they? Although some of them, when put to scientific scrutiny, do have some merit to them. I’ve always found them interesting.

  2. Nadia says:

    Bravo! Same sentiments – although I may chafe raw constantly within my own turmoil of useless anger and blame. My husband and I live in a wonderful isolated space but lack funds and time to alter it in any way at this time. I am an impatient person and I’m forced into learning patience in all things as I slip into those closing chapters of life.

    Your blogs provide that reasonable and calm view that greatly assist that developing patience and outlook necessary in me to face this. Thanks, as always.

  3. Nadia says:

    As to sewing …. I too learned sewing in the sixties at school and glad for it. I am astounded at the lack of quality and “hand” to clothing now. Everything is buy and toss – and mostly made of acrylic and or acetate mixes – with no shape and no lasting value so I never buy this stuff anymore. I always admired my mother’s ability to knit and recently learned how by watching YouTube videos which made it much easier. I buy quality vintage garments at Goodwill and remake them too. I have had compliments on these garments on occasion. Love the feel of natural fibers and the now abandoned practice of lining garments. As we know … everything that goes around comes around and I’ve been able to sell a few of these recreations too.

    As for so many other things, I have come to realize, too late, that my grown children and all other new generations of children grown up will never really know but the eras in which they came of age.

    I recently explained to a 20 something that I earned more money doing the same position as we were doing now (this year) 22 years ago – plus I had benefits at no cost for single coverage and 12 holidays a year as contrasted with no FT work and no benefits for the position we both held paying 8.50 versus 9.75 per hour at this time.

    I just can’t figure it out. I guess this is what we call a “re-set” and it starts all over again…. however, not in the way of a grand jubilee. Oh well. Thank God for the skills that I have…..

    I very much like your gardening stories. I will be attempting that next year. Building and nurturing 3 big compost piles right now. Enjoy the various days of unseasonable weather!

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